Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Guangzhou is chilly!! Today, though, the sun was out and we strolled up and down the various Shamien streets popping in and out of little (and are they ever little) stores which are crammed with things to buy. Sales people are desperate for the sale and try every trick in the book to keep you in their store. They're really delightful people.

We saw Mei Lian and her family today and Ai Li just lit up with joy to see her friend. They jabbered on and we agreed to meet later for dinner. We ate at Lucy's tonight - the kids were at one table and adults at another. Sweeeeeeeet. Hotel rooms are close quarters.

I have advice for anyone travelling with adolescents. Bring odor eater foot or shoe powder!!! This is my favorite thing that I remembered to pack. A roll of packing tape has helped on more than one occasion also.

We met a storekeeper who remembered the Wees family - isn't that lovely? Kirsten, it was Dong and I told him I'd say hello to you all.

Ai Li is more and more comfortable in her role as a family member here. She's spunky, fun and came to remind me this morning to put her ear drops in. She's messed with me a few times (teasing and playing with mom, which has made my day!). Another thing she'll do is imitate one of us in a playing way and then have a fit of giggles. I can't wait to post some of the photos that show her face in full Ai Li mode!!

We played alphabet bingo this morning and she's quite the little game shark. Colors/shapes bingo not as much fun as 'yellow octagon' just isn't quite as easy to grasp. I thought it was either color or shape but it's not. We still had fun. She catches on quickly.

I forgot to mention that when we were in Guilin, we were offered special bottles of wine (look like giant versions of the old apothecary glass bottles with the glass cork thing). We could choose from the in-your-face delivery of each type. There was snake wine, lizard wine and another critter wine - each bottle with an assortment of it's species in it. REVOLTING. I cannot tell you how much I hated that moment!

Also, at the restaurant there where Steve got to choose our live, fresh fish, there was also some pheasant, some ducks, a chicken and 4 wild rats which were the size of beavers, I kid you not. My animal loving Molly was ready to start a riot and we told her that if they weren't eaten by a certain time they were set free. Yes, we lied to her, and yes, she was able to go in and eat. We did, however, ask our guide which was her favorite animal and she said she does not like the taste of wild animals. Phew!

We have two full days left here and hope to maximize both of them. We have a van arranged to take us to the airport, with a pick up time on Saturday morning of 5:30. Breakfast will be served on the flight between here and Tokyo. I probably won't post again before we leave, but look forward to getting settled in at home, sorting through photos and posting again.

This has been a most amazing journey with lots of growing and learning moments for each and every one of us. How cool is that!


Angela said...

Sue, I have looked forward to each post and have thoroughly enjoyed each step of your journey. You add just enough to let us in on your time in China. You do know that we expect you to fill in the blanks when you get home. Why don't you just write a book! : ) I'm looking forward to having you home again. Molly, we're missing you in class! The dance thingy for the play looks great but will be greater with you there! Be safe and we're praying for a safe journey home.

Unknown said...

What an exciting wonderful journey! We're praying for a safe trip home.

Anonymous said...

What's the problem with snake wine ?
I really believe it has some benefit. I got a bottle and like it.

Lillian E. Swift said...

I see mom as a rising star in Ai Li's
life. Every indication is one big thill for you, Sue. and we are all caught up in it.
We wish you a good and safe trip back home. That home will be extra special, in that it will house your new daughter along with her new family. What a noble, unselfish decision you have made. With a great son and a wonderful young lady like dear Molly, it is no wonder you wanted to add another precious child to your flock. May God bless this great family. An eary Welcome Home!!!!!! As always, Lillian. We may have to refer to me as Lee, which would make it easier for our new neighbor. I used to be called Lee at one point in my life.

Anonymous said...

Sue, Steve, Cody, Molly, and Ai Li,

What a wonderful family you all make. The pictures are wonderful and you all look so happy. Jessica and I can't wait to meet Ai Li and hear about the journey from all of you.

We love you all,

Jodie and Jessica

Nihon Scope said...

Snake wine is pretty wild how they make it.... I guess being that tons of people living in Okinawa are super old drinking it, it couldn't be that bad for you and possibly might even be good to drink a bit of.