Friday, January 25, 2008

The Empty Box

Not much mention of my husband, Steve in these posts. How's he handling all of the stress, the angst of not knowing, the waiting that seems to never end .........? Well, it's like this: if you ask him he'll tell you that his wife worries so much about it all that he doesn't need to - I'm doing enough for both of us. So, that part's taken care of.

Let him see a new photo of his little waiting girl, or have him read or hear anything about her city and every ounce of Daddy comes right to the top. He can choke-up with just the thought of the day we meet her and he is very, very proud to be on this journey. Humbled too. That's my Steve. My special, special Steve.

He does worry though. And he worries about his daughter Melissa who is in Iraq serving the likes of you and me. She is an Apache Helicopter pilot - one of the brave ones out front in the gunships. He is on constant news alert from afar. His prayers are stretched thin, and we'd appreciate yours for her safety. For the safety of all soldiers. For peace.

Why isn't he coming unglued too I often wonder and to be perfectly honest it irritates me somewhat on occasion because I'm jealous that he can compartmentalize (is that a word?) the whole process. He is the level one, the voice of reason, the calmer-downer - a mutant if you will.

Someone on one of the adoption lists we're on sent this video to the group because he found it very funny. I think it explains the whole thing perfectly. Here it is:

So as my wires are zapping and zzzz-ing all over the place, he just opens his empty box and has a visit with it. I WANT A BOX TOO!!


Waitingfaithfully said...

That is GOOD! I want a box too! Except we wouldn't be happy with a "box" it would need to be more like a purse or a pretty basket, something a little more stylish than a "box"!

xo Tina

Aprille - The Muddled said...

I suppose this is what happens when you ask them what they are thinking about. You assume their's must also be constantly zapping just like yours and you get a confused "nothing" back. Just visiting my box honey!

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.